The management of the works will be carried out through the web page, and the communication through email. To do this, you must register on the platform and upload your work at that time. In case of presenting more than one work, you can do so in the "My Account" option once your participations has been approved and authenticated on the website.
Only authors who are going to participate in the event, either in person or virtually, should register on the site.
If a work has more than one author, only one must register it and will be responsible for managing it on the virtual platform.
After a work is approved, the responsible author may include in it, within the virtual platform, the rest of the authors who do not participate in the Event, but who must be as authors for the issuance of the certificate.
Deadline to Register and send the works: July 1, 2023
Register here-
The title must clearly and precisely describe the content of the work and allow the reader to easily identify the topic. It should de short (not to exceed 15 words) without sacrificing clarity. Avoid excessive use of prepositions and articles.
It must contain the rationale and objectives of the work, the methodology used, the main results achieved, as well as a comment regarding the meaning of the results or a small conclusion. It is written in an impersonal way and should not include references, abbreviations or equations. Its maximum length is 250 words, in Times New Roman format, 12 points.
Keywords: keyword 1; keyword 2; keyword 3; keyword 4; keyword 5
Between 3 and 5 terms or phrases must be indicated that identify the area of knowledge and respond to the theme of the work. The use of specific or disciplinary thesauri is recommended, in correspondence with the theme of the work. They must be separated by "semicolons" and ordered alphabetically.
Provide an English translation of the abstract and keywords, following Times New Roman, italics, 12 points.
Keywords: keyword 1; keyword 2; keyword3; keyword 4; keyword 5
The introduction includes the background, purpose, and scope of the research. In it, the most relevant works are briefly exposed and the contributions of other authors to the subject under study are highlighted, justifying the reasons why the research is carried out, its objectives and scientific, social and/or economic value.
Paragraphs will be written in Times New Roman format at 12 points and with 1.5 spacing between lines, with no additional space between paragraphs.
This section should explain the type of study, focus, and research design. The methods, techniques and instruments used for data collection must also be exposed, as well as the statistical tests and parameters used for their analysis, so that the research can be reproduced. Subheadings sholud be used to differentiate the methodologies used. If you use an original methodology, it is necessary to explain why and its possible limitations.
Paragraphs will be written in Times New Roman format at 12 points and with 1.5 spacing between lines, with no additional space between paragraphs.
Primary subtitle:it must be written in Times New Roman format, bold, 12 points
Paragraphs will be written in Times New Roman at 12 points and with 1.5 spacing between lines, with no additional space between paragraphs.
Secondary subtitle: it n=must be written in Times New Roman format, underlined, 12 points.
Paragraphs will be written in Times New Roman at 12 points and with 1.5 spacing between lines, with no additional space between paragraphs.
The most relevant results of the study are presented and analyzed. The use of tables and figures is recommended without duplicating the information contained in them and in the text. The discussion will be based on the interpretative value of the results in contrast to findings reported in other studies, pointing out contributions and limitations. Use subheadings to distinguish results from different studies.
Paragraphs will be written in Times New Roman at 12 points and with 1.5 spacing between lines, with no additional space between paragraphs.
Primary subtitle: it must be written in Times New Roman format, bold, 12 points.
Paragraphs will be written in Times New Roman at 12 points and with 1.5 spacing between lines, with no additional space between paragraphs.
Secondary subtitle: it n=must be written in Times New Roman format, underlined, 12 points.
Paragraphs will be written in Times New Roman at 12 points and with 1.5 spacing between lines, with no additional space between paragraphs.
Figures can include images, data graphs, maps, and schematics. Just like the tables, they must be inserted in the text of the manuscript in order of appearance and all must have a clear and concise legend title. The title of the figures will be located at the bottom and if explanations are necessary, they will be located as footnotes of the figure. The minimum resolution of the figures is 300 dpi and it is recommended to group diagrams, graphs and related images in a composite figure, before presenting small isolated figures. Labels incorporated into figures must be legible an easy to read, even if it is necessary to reduce the size of the figures.
Table 1. The title of the tables at the top, using sequential numbering according to the order in which they appear in the work in Times New Roman format to 10 points.
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Row 1 |
Row 2 |
Rpw 3 |
Note: if explanatory notes are used, they will be placed at the bottom of the table, in Times New Roman format at 10 points.
The tables must be inserted in the text of the manuscript according to their order of appearance, to the same extent that they are referenced in the text. They must be numbered consecutively in Arabic and have clear and concise legend titles that describe their content. The title of the tables should be placed at the top pf them. If explanations are necessary, these will be included as footnotes to the tables. They should have sufficient spacing between columns and rows, with no vertical dividing lines. The data must be divided into categories for greater clarity and the units of the same must be expressed.
The conclusions are derived from the work carried out. They must be based on what was exposed and discussed at work and respond to the objectives set. They must indicate how the work contributes or is an advance in the field and object of study, as well as its implications and limitations. They should also suggest future uses and research.
Paragraphs will be written in Times New Roman format at 12 points and with 1.5 spacing between lines, with no additional space between paragraphs.
Only works cited explicitly in the different sections of the text will be included in the references. The citations must respond to original documents, mainly magazine articles and to a lesser extent books, indicating the initial and final pages of the work of origin. As much as possible, self-citations should be avoided. References must be organized alphabetically from the first entry element, as specified in the bibliographic style of the American Psychological Association (APA), in its sixth edition. Review articles must have 50 or more references and case studies must not exceed that number. The use of bibliographic managers (Zotero, Mendeley, EndNote, among others) is recommended to facilitate work with citations and the bibliography. Be sure to follow the journal guidelines available in the instructions for authors.
Example of references:
• Magazine articles:
Campbell hernández, E. Hernández Sierra, G., y Calvo de Lara, J. (2018). Método de extracción de rasgos robusto para un sistema de diarización. Revista Cubana de Ciencias Informáticas, 12(3), 140-151. Recuperado de https: //
Dembele, K. T., Selopal, G.S., Soldano, C., Nechache, R., Rimada, J. C., Concina, I., ...Vomiero solar cells. Jorunal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(28), 14510-14517. doi: 10.1021/jp403553t
Its is an optional section where the names of people who contributed to the research but who are not considered part of the group of authors are recognized. Also included are the names of institutions, organizations or projects that provided material, logistical or financial facilities for carrying out the research.
Paragraphs will be written in Times New Roman format at 12 points and with 1.5 spacing between lines, with no additional space between paragraphs.